Shake Table Testing
Shake table testing is often used in prototype analysis, failure analysis, shipping vibration testing and vibration sensitivity testing. We know what boundary conditions are vital for effective testing, how and where to instrument the system, how to deal with off-axis excitation (often not accounted for), and make the most efficient use of testing time. Let us have a look at your system and any specified vibration criteria before the shake test is designed. We can interpret the criteria, make sure it is applied appropriately, and make recommendations that will save valuable time and expense.

Vertical Shake Test

Horizontal Slip Table
We can help design a shake test that is appropriate for the tool and get results that are pertinent. Fixturing may cause the test to fail due to motions that were not intended to result from a given axis of excitation. Some shake tables have off axis isolation that can have unintended effects on test results, sometimes dominating the results and producing an erroneous failure.
We perform shake testing of many varieties in our Response Dynamics lab. We also make use of larger shake labs in our area and around the world.

Sensitivity to Vibration for Aerospace Navigation

Isolation System Validation Test In-Lab
It is often more cost effective to do on-site vibration testing at the customer site using our array of electromagnetic shakers, load cells, and instrumented force hammers. Often at the customer site the structure will be fixtured in a more realistic manner that may help provide more meaningful results.
Our extensive structural dynamics knowledge provides insurance that the tests are conducted properly and the testing equipment is providing credible signals across the frequency ranges of interest. The testing time is also many times more valuable if troubleshooting can be performed in real time during testing.
Services Include:
Test Design & Support
Phase Noise Testing
Failure Analysis
Shipping Testing
Op & Non-Op Random, Swept Sine, Dwell, Shock
We are happy to discuss which approach may best meet your needs.